Coaching Awesome Entrepreneurs
For successful, smart Entrepreneurs ready to grow and go for more

Who Do I Work With?
In my coaching business, I really specialize in working with overwhelmed entrepreneurs who have been in business a minimum 3 years usually longer. I work with them because they have the biggest challenges to overcome in their day-to-day lives. They are often completely overwhelmed and it’s usually a pretty big secret that they aren’t sharing with their friends and family. Nobody knows just how bad it is. So that’s who I really like to work with to help them to turn all of that negative, the overwhelm, the huge to-do lists, the worry, the stress, and turn it into a positive. The entrepreneurs I work with usually within the first month start seeing results, they start feeling better. I have worked with men and women from a cross section of industries: consulting firms, tech companies, manufacturing, financial services, hospitality, insurance, health care, retail, construction.
When people reach out to me they often have stress-related health issues, heart issues, high blood pressure, or some undiagnosed pain. They’ve hit a wall they don’t know what to do. I support clients on the personal and business challenges because for an entrepreneur it’s all personal and it can be really hard to find help that can solve both sides of that equation.
What To Expect From Coaching
When someone reaches out to me looking for my services, I always recommend a complimentary session to see if we’re a good fit and make sure the challenges you are facing are ones I solve. For example there are times when a person may need an accountant.
Once we decide to work together, I send out a questionnaire to prepare for our first coaching session. This helps me to get to know you, how you do things. Together we decide the focus of our work together and very specific details on how we will measure success.
A lot of things have changed recently, as we all know. When possible, I enjoy meeting with my clients in person. My passion is “solving the impossible”. The truth is all the stress and overwhelm shows you exactly what needs to change to find your Awesome.

The Benefits of Coaching
Work with business and personal challenges
Often how we do anything is how we do everything. If you are overwhelmed at work chances are you are at home too. When your livelihood depends on your business it gets personal real quick and impacts your relationships and wellbeing.
Professional encourager, creative solutions whiz and results diva
As an entrepreneur myself I know how very challenging it can be. Have owned a flag and banner business and a costume company building mascots and character costumes. Started my career as Public Relations Manager in insurance business and served as Executive Director for Hospice.
Simplifying the complicated
One of my gifts is to simplify the complicated, all those moving parts and get you out of the vice grips. Most clients feel huge relief beginning in the first 30 days. You will focus on the areas in your business that are the biggest headache for you and we will break those down into small doable chunks.
Solving "overwhelm" is my story.
Everyone of us has a different story, a different situation. Solving some of the challenges and getting you on a Path to an Awesome Life is what I love to do. When I help a business owner I am also helping their team, family, customers and community.
Overworked & Overwhelmed?
When a person gets overwhelmed our first response is usually to work harder, to get more knocked off the to-do list. Chances are if you are reading this you have done this too many times. For a long time, I too lived in an overwhelmed world. I joke now and say I did everything wrong so you can't fool me. It forced me to learn new ways to live.
Don't beat yourself up and say things like I should know how to do this. It doesn't help and it's not your fault. Few successful leaders share their dark side.....heck that is not good for business.
The secret that few shares is that the extreme overwhelm that happens to an entrepreneur can be a huge gift. It shows you exactly what needs to be changed in your company and in your life. Of course change takes time, yet when you begin working less, having more time for your life and growing your business by a good margin, we think you will view this as a "I wish I had done this sooner.”